Taller monogràfic de costura per fer un vestit com el de les fotos. Podras escollir talla i tela. Els Divendres 19 i 26 de setembre, de 17:00 a 20:00 Preu 52€ amb el material inclós. Inscripcions i info a: tallers@barribastall.com
The journey for aluminum plates and sheets begin with the mining of Direct CNC the mineral used to create this steel. Bauxite, which is the raw material where aluminum comes from, is in clay-like kind soil. This is normally found just a few meters beneath the bottom and is most ample across the equator.
The journey for aluminum plates and sheets begin with the mining of Direct CNC the mineral used to create this steel. Bauxite, which is the raw material where aluminum comes from, is in clay-like kind soil. This is normally found just a few meters beneath the bottom and is most ample across the equator.